Instituto de Biotecnología

José Manuel Domínguez Vera

I obtained my PhD in the Laboratoire de Chimie Coordination-CNRS (Toulouse, France) on molecular materials, with a pre-doctoral fellowship (1989 to 1993) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. After completing my PhD, I joined the University of Granada (Spain) with a postdoctoral contract, also from the MEC during 1993-1995, and then a second post-doctoral stay of one year in the Laboratory of Crystallographic Studies – CSIC (Granada), working on protein crystal growth and biomineralization. In 1996 I joined the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the Universidad de Granada as an Assistant Professor and in 1998 as an Associate Professor. In this capacity, I started to develop my line of research: preparation of metallic nanoparticles using bioplatforms, especially the protein ferritin. I was a pioneer in the widespread use of this protein for nanoparticle synthesis not only of metal or metal oxides but also of metal coordination compounds, one very innovative aspect of my research. In a few years I was able to create a solid and dynamic research group that has continued to this day. My scientific career has always been marked by a concern for innovation and tackling increasingly ambitious topics with potential applications in biomedicine. This impetus has led me to new challenges in a new line of research dedicated to the creation of nanostructures obtained by bacterial nanochemistry. We have developed methodologies that have resulted in unique and fascinating nanostructures such as the first living magnet created in a laboratory or the first magneto-optical microorganism. We have patented what we call “artificial magnetic bacteria” which can serve as iron food supplements and as MRI contrast agents in the digestive system. This patent was transferred and had much mention in press. Our group BioNanoMet has been continuously funded since its start. I have been PI of 15 projects, national and regional, individual and coordinated, including two international cooperation projects. I have also been PI of 5 contracts with private companies. I have been invited or participated as a keynote speaker at E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting (2007 Strasbourg, France), 10th ISABC (2011 Debrecen, Hungary), VII Scientific Meeting of Bioinorganic (Murcia 2011), 11th Eurobic (2012 Granada), Zing Conference on Bioinorganic Chemistry (2013 Lanzarote), 12th ISABC (2013 Guangzou, China) and in workshops or specialized courses such as PSI School on Diffraction at the Nanoscale (2010 Villigen, Switzerland) and VIII, XIX, XXI, XV, XVI National School of Molecular Materials (2010-2015). I have been a visiting scholar at various foreign research centers: a pre-doctoral fellowship of four years (1989- 93) in the LCC-CNRS (Toulouse, France); Short stays of 2 months (1997) in the School of Chemistry-University of Bristol (UK); 1 month (2008) as guest professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, BYU (Utah, US); 2 months (2010) as guest professor at the center CREATIS-INSA (Lyon, France) and 2 months (2016) as an Executive Endeavour Fellow at RMIT (Melbourne, Australia).

    TFMs dirigidos en los últimos 5 años

  1. Título del TFM:

    Hemocianina como sensor de la calidad de conservación del marisco.

    • Nombre del estudiante del Máster: Sofía Navarrete
    • Curso académico: 2020/21

    Tesis dirigidas en los últimos 5 años

  1. Título de la Tesis:

    Nanoquímica con bacterias, biopolímeros y biofibras. Una nueva vía para el tratamiento de infecciones.

    • Nombre del estudiante de Doctorado: Laura Sabio Rodríguez
    • Curso académico: 2021/22