Instituto de Biotecnología

Germaine Escames Rosa

Professor at the University of Granada. Co-director of the Research Group consolidated by the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía CTS-101: Intercell Communication. Supervisor of Radioactive Installations. Member of the CIBER of Fragility and Healthy Aging (CIBERfes). I am also a specialist in clinical biochemistry. I have developed my research for the last 25 years in the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Granada, where I was studied the antioxidant effects of melatonin and the identification of the mitochondria as the main target of melatonin; its ability to delay aging and neurodegenerative pathologies; its anti-inflammatory activity against the innate immune response, among others. Recentley, my activity has focused on studies of the oncostatic activity of melatonin, and on the adverse effects of radio and chemotherapy. All these studies have been financed with national, regional and local R + D + I grants, as well as different contracts with companies. All the published articles, books and book chapters, as well as the various communications to international and national congresses, have been widely accepted by the scientific community. Through the Fundación Empresa-Universidad we have set up a free radical laboratory in which techniques related to the determination of oxidative stress markers are carried out. We have four international patents on melatonin in the last five years: one of them (number PCT / ES2012 / 070728) has been transferred to a pharmaceutical company. It is melatonin gel for the prevention and treatment of mucositis and is currently under a multicenter clinical trial (EudraCT nº: 2015-001534-13); The other two patents (number = PCT / ES2012 / 070349 and PCT / ES2015 / 070236), in collaboration with a pharmaceutical company, are also under clinical trial (EudraCT no: 2008-006782-83). These are two formulations of intravenous administration against sepsis. These two international patents of a melatonin injectable have been licensed to a Spin-off (InymelBio S.L.) constituted by us between the University and the Andalusian Health Service. The fourth patent is an international patent (PCT / ES2013 / 070817), and the license was granted to another Spin-Off (Pharmamel S.L.) also created by us from the University of Granada. This patent consists of a regenerative and anti-aging cream for topical application on the skin. I am the Editorial Board of the Journal of Pineal Research, one of the most prestigious journals in the field of Physiology with an impact index of 11.4 and I am the referee of several international journals. In addition, I maintain collaborations with several Universities:

  • University of San Antonio (Texas, USA) with Professor Russel J Reiter;

  • Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, with Prof. Daniel P Cardinali;

  • Institute of Neuroscience at the University of Antioquia (Colombia) with Professor Marlene Jiménez, with Dra Escames as international consultant for research projects;

  • Mayo Clinic (USA) with Prof. Quiñones, as well as with several Spanish Universities (Valencia, Oviedo, Complutense Madrid, Zaragoza, Barcelona).

      Tesis dirigidas en los últimos 5 años

    1. Título de la Tesis:

      Estudio del efecto de la melatonina en el metabolismo de las células de cáncer de cabeza y cuello hnscc: papel de la estructura y de la función mitocondrial.

      • Nombre del estudiante de Doctorado: Ana Guerra Librero Rite
      • Curso académico: 2020/21
    2. Título de la Tesis:

      Study of the mitochondria as a new therapeutic target against head and neck cancer: evaluation of melatonin effects

      • Nombre del estudiante de Doctorado: Javier Florido Ruiz
      • Curso académico: 2021/22
    3. Título de la Tesis:

      Pathological and therapeutic mechanisms in CoQ deficiency: the role of the proteins involved in the Q-Junction

      • Nombre del estudiante de Doctorado: Pilar González García
      • Curso académico: 2022/23